Thị Mỹ Dung Phạm1,, Văn Tân Phạm1, Khánh Chi Nguyễn1, Thị Hiếu Nguyễn1, Thị Thu Hiền Đỗ2, Đăng An Đỗ3
1 Hanoi Medical College
2 Hai Duong University of Medical Technology
3 Department of International Cooperation - Ministry of Health

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Antibiotics help lessen health burden of bacterial infections. However, irrational use of antibiotics would  aggravate antimicrobial resistance, which has been increasingly complicated worldwide. A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess antibiotics use and its associate factors among households living in Thuong Thanh ward, Long Bien district, Hanoi. The research was conducted by Hanoi Medical College. Totally, 384 questionnaire interviews were implemented in the period from March to May, 2020 with representatives of the surveyed households who were chiefly responsible for their family’s medication. The findings indicate that the investigated households used antibiotics quite frequently (8.4 times per year in average); 92.5% of the households self-medicated with antibiotics; improper use was reported in their most recent time of antibiotics use; in general, up to approximately 1/2 of the households illustrating poor practices of antibiotics use. Participants’ age, education, occupation, knowledge and attitude about antibiotics were statistically associated with their family’s antibiotics use (p<0.05). Meanwhile, there was insignificant difference in households’ practice according to respondents’ gender and experience receiving guide/consultation from professionals/health workers (p>0.05).

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