Thị Như Đỗ 1,, Thanh Thủy Bùi 1, Minh Hồng Nguyễn 1, Hữu Tùng Quách 1
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Background: Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) has been increased over the years and can be life threatening if it is not diagnosed and treated early. Objectives: To describe clinical, paraclinical and to evaluate results of treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy. Materials and methods: A cross- sectional description, including patients was diagnosed with cesarean scar pregnancy and treated at Bac Ninh province's Gynecology and Children's hospital from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2022. Results and Conclusions: The mean age of these subjects was 33,36 ± 5,46 years old. The most common symptom was vaginal bleeding with or without abdominal pain, accounting for 40,4 %. The most common gestational ages is <6 weeks, rate 61,2%. The mean gestational age was 5,422 ± 1,189  weeks. The patients who had cesarean twice rate 62,24%. The method of ultrasound- guided vacuum aspiration with or without using MTX before suction is a simple, safe and effective treatment with a success of 98,4%. Mean time stayed at hospital is 8,07 ± 2,878  days.

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