Văn Ngọc Nguyễn 1, Thị Thanh Hoa Lê2,, Thị Thùy Dương Trương 2
1 Hung Vuong hospital
2 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy

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Objectives: Describe the current state of health and disease of medical staff at Hung Vuong General Hospital, Phu Tho Province in 2023. Research method: A cross-sectional description was carried out on 660 medical staff from January 2022 to July 2023. Data is collected through physical examination, combined with interviews, book analysis, and health reports. Results: Health type I, II accounted for the highest percentage (39.8% and 45.8%). Gastrointestinal diseases accounted for the highest proportion (25.5%), eye diseases (23.5%), ear, nose and throat diseases (15.9%), skin diseases the lowest (0.9%). Anxiety disorder accounted for the highest rate 31.7%, depression 18.9%, stress 16.2%. There are 72.4% of medical staff were injured by sharp objects, 20.6% by chemicals. The sick leave rate accounted for 55.2%. Conclusion and recommendations: The morbidity rate of health workers is high. It is necessary to have solutions to protect and care for the health of health workers, especially mental health, as well as to strengthen training, training, and equipment for protective equipment for health workers. health workers to prevent injuries caused by sharp objects and chemicals.

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