Văn Chậu Phan 1,, Trung Kiên Nguyễn 2, Quang Khóa Trần3
1 Cai Nuoc hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy
3 Ca Mau Department of health

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Background: The study to determine the direct medical costs of treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has great practical value. Objectives: Analysis of direct medical costs of treatment in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at Cai Nuoc General Hospital in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: Patients and medical records of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease coming to Cai Nuoc General Hospital for examination, inpatient and outpatient treatment in 2022-2023. Cross-sectional descriptive study on 191 patients with convenient sampling method. Results: The average direct medical cost of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for each treatment session of 1 patient was 1.73 million VND (minimum was 0.11 million VND, maximum was 10.59 million VND). In which, drug expenses accounted for the highest proportion (50.22%). The rate covered by health insurance reached 95.7%. Treatment costs in male patients were higher than in female patients (2.01 million VND compared to 0.61 million VND, p<0.001); Inpatient treatment costs were higher than outpatient treatment costs (4.33 million VND compared to 0.48 million VND, p<0.001); Treatment costs increase with the degree of airway obstruction (level 1: 0.76 million VND; level 2: 1.64 million VND; level 3: 2.10 million VND; level 4: 3.74 million VND; p<0.001). Conclusions: The average direct medical cost of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for each treatment session of 1 patient was 1.73 million VND. Mostly drugs costs. The payment rate of health insurance was very high. Factors that increase the cost of treatment were related to gender, number of years with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and degree of airway obstruction.

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