Thị Chinh Nguyễn 1, Thị Lý Trần2,
1 Duc Giang hospital
2 National lung hospital

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Background: Of the joint diseases caused by metabolic disorders, gout is the most common disease. The disease is common among people with a high standard of living, having favorable factors such as eating rich in protein, obesity, diabetes... today's life is improved, living standards is improved, the incidence of gout is increasing. Objectives: Survey on nutritional knowledge of gout patients at the Musculoskeletal Unit, Duc Giang General Hospital 2020. Methods: Cross-sectional survey. Results: The study collected information from 114 gout patients being treated at the Musculoskeletal Unit, Duc Giang General Hospital through questionairs. The results showed 63,2% of patients had knowledge of nutrition. The main source of knowledge for patients is from health workers (80.7%). Three factors related to patient's nutritional knowledge are gender, education and occupation (p<0.05).

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