Trần Thị Tường Vi, Nguyễn Ngọc Yến Thư, Phạm Văn Khoa

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Objectives: The purpose of this study wasto evaluate the antibacterial effectiveness when preparing root canal with the self-adjusting file system on the single-canal teeth with necrotic pulp using molecular method. Methods: In vivo study with the independent evaluator, performed on 15 patients with single-canal teeth, necrotic pulp, indicated for endodontic treatment. All objects were instrumented using by the self-adjusting file system under simultaneous irrigation with 3% NaOCl. Microbiological samples in the canal taken before and after root canal preparation with paper points were subjected to real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) toquantify total bacteria. Results: The mean concentration of total bacteria in the microbiological samples taken from the root canal before preparation was 4.36 × 107 DU and after preparation was 1.51 × 106 DU (1DU ~ 1-5 copies/ml). Preparation of infected root canals with the self-adjusting file system was statistically significant in reducing total bacterialload in the canal (p <0.05; paired T-test). After root canal preparation,all microbiological samples (S2)still had detectable bacteriaby molecular method. Conclusion: The self-adjusting file system is an effective tool in removing bacteria from infected root canals. However, since bacteria cannot be completely eliminated when preparing infected root canals with the self-adjusting file system, supplementary disinfection strategies are stillrequired.

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