Thị Minh Thu Từ1,, Minh Thành Cao1,2
2 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Objective: Evaluate the results of endoscopic sphenoidectomy technique using a drill. Methods: describes each case with intervention. Results: Through research on 34 patients with indications for sphenoid sinus surgery who had endoscopic surgery to open the sphenoid sinus with a drill at Hanoi Medical University Hospital from January 2020 to March 2023, we initially draw some conclusions as follows: At 3 months after surgery, the remaining sphenoid sinus opening was 94.87%, at 6 months after surgery, the remaining sphenoid sinus opening rate was 89.74%, and over 6 months after surgery this rate was 73.08%. The size of the remaining sphenoid sinus opening is more than 4mm at 3 months after surgery is 76.92%, at 6 months after surgery is 48.71% and at the time over 6 months after surgery is 48.08%. The good rate of endoscopic sphenoid sinus surgery with drilling at 3 months after surgery is 76.92%, at 6 months after surgery is 58.98% and over 6 months after surgery is 53.86. %. Conclusion :The results of endoscopic sphenoid sinus surgery with drilling at 3 months were better than at 6 months (the difference was statistically significant with p < 0.05). Results at 6 months and over 6 months had no difference with p>0.05. It is possible that the healing and scarring process is strong in the first 6 months after surgery, but after 6 months the healing and scarring process has gradually stabilized, so the results at 6 months and above 6 months there is no difference.

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