Ngọc Sơn Nguyễn1,, Chiến Trần1, Ngọc Sơn Nguyễn2, Văn Dung Hoàng2, Hồng Ái Vũ2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Thai Nguyen University
2 Thai Nguyen Central Hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the results of Primary cementless long stem bipolar hemiarthroplasty in the treatment of Intertrochanteric fractures(IF) in the elderly, and analyze some factors affecting treatment results. Material and methods: A prospective cross-sectional descriptive study of 31 patients with Intertrochanteric fractures who received a cementless long stem bipolar hemiarthroplasty at Thai Nguyen generel Hospital from July 2022 to July 2023. Results: The average age of 84.03 ± 5.88 (74-99), ratio of male/female is 1/2,44.2 patients had surgical complications. Assessment on the Harris scale after 3 months was 9.7% very good, 51.6% good, 29% moderate, 9.7% poor. Conclusions: Primary cementless long stem bipolar hemiarthroplasty may be a good option for patients with unstable transtrophysic fractures aged >70 years, osteoporosis, with comorbid comorbidities.

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