Vũ Công Bảo Long Nguyễn1,, Lê Bảo Tiến Nguyễn2, Thanh Tú Ngô2, Viết Lực Nguyễn2, Hồng Phong Phạm2, Văn Thanh Võ1,2
2 Viet Duc Friendship Hospital

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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the outcomes of treating patients with migrated lumbar disc herniation at the L4-L5 level using the endoscopic transforaminal approach. Method: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted on a cohort of 30 patients diagnosed with migrated L4-L5 disc herniation who underwent treatment through the endoscopic transforaminal approach at the Spinal Surgery Department of Viet Duc University Hospital, spanning from January 2020 to August 2022. Results: The male/female ratio is 2/1, with an average age of

47.10 ± 13.16 years. The mean surgical time was 84

± 16.05 minutes, the mean blood loss was 83.83 ±

24.06 mL, and the mean length of hospital stay was

3.1 ± 1.45 days. According to the McNab criteria, favorable treatment outcomes were as follow: 85.18% (23/27) in the downward migrated group, 66.67% (2/3) in the upward migrated group, 60% (6/10) in the far-migrated group, and 95% (19/20) in the near- migrated group. On the final post-surgery follow-up, VAS scores decreased from 7.23 ± 0.73 to 2.20 ± 0.67 and ODI scores  decreased from 75.13 ± 10.67 to

17.50 ± 3.04. Although one case experienced postoperative dysesthesia in the right lower limb, symptoms showed improvement after a 6-month follow-up period. Conclusion: The endoscopic transforaminal approach proves to be a reliable and effective treatment modality for managing cases of migrated L4-L5 disc herniation.

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