Văn Minh Chiều Mai1,, Văn Trầm Tạ2
1 TWG Long An Hospital
2 Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital

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Background: Health service providers have also been improving the quality of medical services, helping people have access to the best quality services in which the patient's experience is known. is an important activity in taking the patient as the center, towards the satisfaction of the patient. Research objective: Describe the experience of inpatients in

Methods: Cross-sectional study, descriptive and qualitative combination, using convenience sampling , over 200 subjects. Research subjects: Inpatients who have completed their treatment, completed discharge procedures, are about to leave, or their relatives are the primary caregivers of the patient. Result: Average experience score general 7.7. The percentage of patients with an overall positive experience was 56%. In which, the factors rated by patients as satisfied with the highest percentage are the service attitude of health workers and experience of medical examination and treatment activities. Conclusion: The percentage of patients with a positive overall experience was 56% with the factors most appreciated by patients as the service attitude of health workers and care in medical examination and treatment activities. From there, it can be seen that the hospital has a team of health workers who not only have high professional capacity and experience but also have good communication skills with both patients and relatives.

Article Details


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