Thu Thủy Phạm 1,, Hoài Nam Nguyễn 1, Thị Bích Hạnh Vũ 2,3
2 HMU hospital
3 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Objectives: To find out the prevalence, clinical features of sensory processing disorder in children with autism spectrum disorder under 15 years old. Method: A cross- sectional descriptive study was conducted on 75 autistic children under 15 years old in Department of Psychiatry of National Hospital of Pediatrics (2023). Result: There were 63 children (84%) had at least one sensory processing disorder (SPD), of which 23 children (30,7%) had 3 disorders or more senses. Motor processing disorder accounted for the highest rate (53,3%) in which 48% had mild disorder, 5,3% had severe disorder, followed by somatic and tactile processing disorder. Registration accounted for the highest rate (52%). There are 22 children (29,3%) who do not belong to any sensory patterns and 7 children (9,3%) belong to all four sensory patterns. Children with more severe autism (CARS ≥ 37 points) have a higher rate of ASD. Conclusions: Sensory processing disorder is common in children with autism spectrum disorder and each child may have many different sensory patterns. The study highlights the importance of a comprehensive evaluation the symptoms of sensory processing disorder in children with autism spectrum disorder.

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