Tấn An Phan , Hoàng Chương Nguyễn , Thị Kiều Nga Đoàn , Thị Thanh Vân Phạm , Tuấn Hải Tăng , Thị Thảo Vy Nguyễn , Trịnh Hà Nguyên Võ

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Objectives: Gastrointestinal helminthiasis remains a silent but persistent health issue in the community. The study was conducted to evaluate the characteristics of patients with gastrointestinal helminthiasis. Materials and method: This was a cross–sectional study of 77 patients diagnosed with helminthiasis at Thuan An Medical Center, Binh Duong Province (from September 2019 to April 2020). Helminthiasis was confirmed by fecal direct microscopy, Willis method, and Sasa’s modified culture method; pathogens were identified based on the morphology of the larva. Data was analysed using SPSS 25. Results: Among 77 patients, strongyloidiasis accounted for 64,9% of the total (50/77 cases), while the proportion of hookworm infection was 29,9% (23/77 cases) and only 4 cases of co-infection (5,2%); strongyloidiasis was statistically associated with hookworm infection (p-value < 0,05). Only 12 patients presented with gastrointestinal symptoms (15,6%). Hematological results showed that anemia occurred in 13 cases (16,9%); there was no significant difference in leukocyte values between hookworm infection and strongyloidiasis (p-value > 0,05). Conclusion: strongyloidiasis is more prevalent and helminthiasis symptoms vary between cases.

Article Details


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