Văn Tiến Hoàng , Hữu Thông Trần , Đình Phú Vũ , Trần Hưng Hà

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Objective: to describe the clinical features, laboratory characteristics and risk factors for ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) at the Poison Control Center of Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects and methods: descriptive study was conducted on 364 mechanically ventilated patients including 107 patients with VAP from January 2021 to July 2023. Results: The average age of the study patients was 52.4±17.5 years old. The incidence of VAP was 29.4% with a frequency of 38.1/1000 days of mechanical ventilation. The average onset time of VAP was 7.0 ± 4.0 days, late-onset VAP accounted for 72.9%. Common clinical symptoms when developed VAP were fever (87,9%), rales (100%), and tachypnea (94.4%). Average CPIS score was 9.1±1.6. Laboratory abnormalities were increased white blood cells (above 12 G/L) (60.7%), increased Pro-calcitonin above 0.5 ng/mL (77.6%), diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in chest X ray (60.7%) and lung consolidation (39.3%). Conclusion: The study revealed the incidence, main clinical, laboratory characteristics and risk factors for ventilator associated pneumonia at the Poison Control Center in 2022 - 2023.

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