Xuân Hưng Thịnh Nguyễn, Đình Toàn Dương

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Background: Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is a disease with necrotic damage to bone cells and bone marrow due to lack of blood supply to the femoral head. The disease is common in middle-aged people and gets worse over time, leading to degeneration and loss of hip function. Treatment depends on the stage of disease progression. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, uncontrolled study of 77 patients undergoing total hip replacement surgery at Viet Duc Hospital from January 2021 to September 2022. Results: The average age is 46.45 ± 9.8 (22 - 66 years old), the most common age group is 41-50, accounting for 45.5%. The male/female ratio is 10/1. The majority of patients have surgery in the first 2 years, accounting for 91%. Alcohol and tobacco are the two risk factors causing the disease with the highest proportion at 66.3%. Postoperative hip mobility results were evaluated according to the Harris scale: 64.9% achieved very good results, 32.5% achieved good results, 2.6% achieved average results, there were no cases of poor results. Almost all patients had no complications or complications after surgery, mainly complications of artificial hip dislocation after surgery (1.3%). Conclusion: Cementless total joint replacement surgery helps improve the quality of treatment and restore good motor function for patients.

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