Viết Lực Trần, Thị Hoài Thu Nguyễn , Trung Anh Nguyễn

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Objective: To assess association between depressive symptom with related factors in dementia patients. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among dementia patients in National Geriatric Hospital. Depresive symptom was assessed by PHQ-9 questionnaire. Related factors including: general information, dementia characteristics and others. Results: Total 87 participants with mean and SD was 76,84±8,38. The prevalence of having depressive symptom was 43.7%. People living with dementia more than 1 year was significant associated with having depressive symptom with p value equal 0.016. Conclusion: The prevalence of depressive symptom in dementia patient was respectively high. People living with dementia more than 01 year have higher risk to have depressive symptom. Thus it is essential to evaluate depression on management dementia.

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