Trần Thị Mỹ Hạnh1,, Nguyễn Hà Thu1, Đào Thị Hằng Nga1, Nguyễn Vũ Thái Liên2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Hanoi Dental School, Hanoi University of Business and Technology

Main Article Content


Objective: To assess the clinial and radiographic symptoms of primary molars among 3-8 year-old children with indication of pulpotomy. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study among 136 primary molars with indication of pulpotomy of 50 children age group from 3-8 years old, who are taken to School of Odonto-Stomatology, Ha Noi Medical University in 2019-2021 for dental examination and treatment, were selected. The primary teeth meeting the selective criteria were described the clinical symptoms (including: type of tooth, site and size of cavity, feature of the cavity’s base), radiographic symptoms (period of physical root resorption), and general information (age and gender). Results: Among 50 pulpotomy-treated patients, the number of male children patients were higher 1,27 times than those of famale children patients, the number of 3-5-year-old patients were higher 1,5 times than those of 6-8-year-old patients.  Among 136 pulpotomy-treated teeth, the most popular site of caries was on the combination of the occlusal and proximal surface; the proximal surface was lower and the occlusal one was lowest. The moderate-sized cavity was the most popular. All roots of elective teeth were at the first and second stage. Conclusion: The study showed that among 50 pulpotomy-treated patients, the number of male patients was higher than those of female, the number of 3-5-year-old patients was higher than of of 6-8-year-old patients. Among primary molars with pulpotomy-treated indication, the “proximal – occlusal” caries with moderate size were the most popular. All roots of elective teeth were at the first and second stage.

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