Hoàng Quỳnh Huê1,, Trần Song Giang2, Đặng Đức Minh3
1 General hospital of Yen Bai Province
2 Vietnam National Heart Institute, Bach Mai Hospital
3 Heart Center, Thai Nguyen Central General Hospital

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Objective: To investigate the score of tachyarrhythmias in patients with permanent dual chamber pacemakers for more than 1 year. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 122 patients with permanent dual chamber pacemakers over 1 year who were periodically monitored at Cardiology Institute – Bach Mai Hospital from August, 2020 to August, 2021. Result: The average age is 62 ± 16 years old, female 63%,71/122 patients who had been carrying permanent two chambers pacemaker over 1 year had atrial tachycardia, accounting for 58.2% (AHRE 32.8%, atrial fibrillation 25.4%). The average time of wearing permanent dual chamber pacemaker over 1 year was 3 ± 2 years. The risk of atrial tachycardia (AHRE) increased 2.6-fold if patients had sinus node insufficiency, and 0.4-fold in patients with pacing modality at DDD examination, with p < 0.05. At the time of AHRE appearance, atrial fibrillation between 6 am to 12 am accounted for the highest percentages, 85% and 74.2% respectively, with p < 0,05. Atrial tachyarrhythmias usually donot have clinical symptoms 75%. The risk of stroke, TIA of the AHRE group > 5.5 hours is 0.05 times higher than the AHRE group ≤ 5.5 hours. Conclusion: Atrial tachyarrhythmias are often clinically asymptomatic; the risk of thromboembolic events occurrswith AHRE duration over 5.5 hours with 95% CI (0.006-0.4), p < 0,05.

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