Thị Xuân Dung Nguyễn

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Objective: Describe the current status of chest percussion and vibration practice and identify some factors related to chest percussion and vibration practice of primary caregivers for COPD patients at Nam Dinh Provincial General Hospital. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 50 primary caregivers for people with COPD at the Department of General Internal Medicine, Nam Dinh Provincial General Hospital during the period from April 2023 to June 2023. Results: The majority of primary caregivers failed to practice chest percussion and vibration, accounting for 76%. The rate of achieved practice in the group of primary caregivers in urban areas was 45,5%, higher than the rate of achieved practice in the group in rural areas (7,1%). This difference is statistically significant with p < 0,05. People with a high level of education are better at performing chest vibrations. Primary caregivers in the group that received knowledge of how to practice chest percussion and vibration from medical staff had a 32,4% higher rate of practice compared to the group that did not receive knowledge of how to practice chest percussion and vibration from medical staff 6,3%. Conclusion: The current state of practice of primary caregivers on chest percussion and vibration for patients with COPD is still limited. There is a relationship between place of residence, education level, occupation, sources of information received from medical staff and the primary caregiver's practice of chest percussion and vibration for patients with COPD.

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