Thị Hà Trang Phạm , Văn Hạnh Trương , Đình Cảnh Hoàng , Thanh Dương Trần, Thanh Dương Trần

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Backgrounds: Opisthorchiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini. Human liver fluke infection caused by Opisthorchis viverrini increases the risk cholangiocarcinoma. The habit of extensively consuming raw or half-cooked fish was the most important risk factor. Methods: Analytical descriptive study with cross-sectional surveys in 460 people over 18 years old at the study site. Result: The prevalence of infected O. viverrini in human in An My commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province was 20,22%. 87,7% of cases were mild infectious intensity, the mean O. viverrini infection intensity was 549,33 ± 994,92 EPG. The positivity rate was higher in male (25,0%) than in female (16,67%) (p<0,05). The infection rate increases with age and highest in the age group over 60 years old (33,33%) (p<0,05). People who use fresh manure in farming and animal husbandry were infected 1,88 times higher odds of infection than those who do not use it (95%CI: 1,1-3,21). People who eating raw fish were infected 9,9 times higher odds of infection than those who had never eaten raw fish (95% CI: 5,14-13,78). The prevalence of O. viverrini infection in the group people that aet raw fish 1 times/week higher than 1 times/month and 2-3 times/6 month (p<0,05). Conclusion: The prevalence of infected O. viverrini in human in An My commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province province was 20,22%. The majority of cases were mild infectious intensity.

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