Hùng Cường Phạm, Thạc Văn Nguyễn, Chí Thương Bùi

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Background: Fungal vaginitis is a common disease in women of reproductive age. During pregnancy, changes in endocrine status make pregnant women more susceptible to vaginal yeast infection than non-pregnant women, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy. Treatment of vaginal yeast infection is often effective when using drugs in the Imidazoles group, of which Clotrimazole 500 mg in a single dose is considered safe and highly effective in treating vaginal yeast infection in women pregnant. Objective: Determining the success rate of single dose Clotrimazole 500 mg regimen in the treatment of vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy at gestational age > 12 weeks at Mekong Obstetrics Hospital from October 2022 to April 2023. Methods: Prospective longitudinal descriptive study, conducted on 139 pregnant women with gestational age > 12 weeks diagnosed with Candida vaginitis at Mekong Obstetrics Hospital from October 2022 to April 2023 and treated with the following regimen: Clotrimazole 500mg 01 vaginal tablet. Results: The success rate in the treatment of vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy responding to the regimen of Clotrimazole 500 mg single vaginal dose is 82% (95% CI: 75.6 - 88.5%). Factors related to the success of the single dose vaginal regimen of Clotrimazole 500 mg for vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy: no history of vaginal yeast infection, symptoms of itching, gestational age in trimester 3. Conclusions: Clotrimazole 500 mg single vaginal dose is a convenient treatment regimen for patients to easily comply with and has a high success rate. Therefore, pregnant women with a typical clinical appearance with symptoms of itching and no previous history of vaginal yeast infection can be treated empirically with Clotrimazole 500 mg in a single vaginal dose for initial treatment hand.

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