Thị Thu Hiền Nguyễn, Thị Tân Nguyễn, Thị Bích Thảo Trần

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Objective: Evaluate pregnancy outcomes of IUI and the relationship from semen parameters with IUI results at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2019 - 2020. Subjects and research methods: cross-sectional description, choose a convenient sample. Results: The clinical pregnancy rate according to the number of IUI cycles was 14.6%; according to the total number of patients is 17%. Factors related to IUI results: A high percentage of sperm with normal morphology increases the pregnancy rate (19.5 times). IUI effectiveness is low when the sample has a total number of motile sperm before filtration < 10 million, a percentage of normal sperm morphology < 4%, and a total number of motile sperm after filtration < 5 million. In cases with normal sperm morphology < 4% but the total number of motile sperm is high, the possibility of pregnancy after IUI is still high (both cases became pregnant). Conclusion: IUI technique is relatively simple, quite safe, relatively highly effective and lower cost than other techniques so it can be widely applied and for the right indications. Normal sperm morphology is usually ≥ 4%, the total number of motile sperm before washing is ≥ 10 million, the likelihood of IUI success is high.

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