Thị Tuyết Nga Trần, Kim Châu Lâm, Ý Lan Võ , Thị Thanh Trúc Nguyễn, Ngọc Vân Anh Huỳnh

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Low fertility is one of the root causes of the rapid aging worldwide, as well as in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City has had the lowest fertility in Vietnam for decades, and first marriage at an appropriate age is crucial to maintaining the fertility rate. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1.730 final-year undergraduate students in the three largest Ho Chi Minh City universities from January to May 2023. Multiple regression was employed to determine associated factors with the intention of age at first marriage. This study found that the percentage of students intending to marry in the future is 64.2%; importantly, one-third of students have no intention of marriage or have not thought about this. Students plan to get their first marriage at age 28.9; males are later than females by 1.3 years. Age, gender, having a lover status, study major and duration denote statistically significant associations with the intention of age at first marriage. In conclusion, final-year students intended to have their first marriage quite late compared to national figures. They wait for adequate economic status and maturity to get married, which is probably the main reason for delaying marriage among highly educated people. Late marriage leads to many consequences on personal health and community fertility; more population and reproductive health media and training campaigns should target this group to encourage marriage earlier than their intention. 

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