Tuấn Anh Nghiêm, Minh Tuấn Nguyễn, Võ Gia Huy Lê

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Objective of research: This study is aimed to assess the thickness of facial alveolar bone of anterior maxillary teeth and classify their relation to the alveolus in the sagittal plane following Kan’s classification in a group of VietNam population. Subject and research method:  CBCT images of 70 patients were randomly selected from the CBCT database at BAO VE NU CUOI AN GIANG dental clinic. After recruitment, 406 teeth were used to measure facial alveolar bone thickness at three reference points: 4 mm apical to CEJ (P1), midpoint between 4 mm to CEJ and mid-root (P2), mid-root (P3). Results: The results revealed that most of the studied teeth exhibited a facial alveolar bone thickness less than 1 mm at all reference points. The mean facial bone thickness was between 0.71±0.51 and 0.95±0.48. The frequency distribution of sagittal root position was 89.66% in class I, 5.91% in class II, none in class III, and 4.43% in class IV. Conclusion: this study demonstrated that the anterior maxillary teeth have a high prevalence of thin facial alveolar bone wall, which may consider risking of soft tissue recession. However, the class I sagittal root position, which is favorable for implant-bone engagement, was the majority of this finding

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