Lê Thị Thu Hải1,, Lê Thị Thu Hà1, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Minh2
1 108 Military Central Hospital
2 Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital

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Objectives: Survey gingivitis situation of cirrhotic patients treated at 108 Military Central Hospital. Investigate the association between gingivitis and age, cirrhotic stage, albumin level, CRP in cirrhotic patients. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross – sectional study on 112 people with 2 groups: treatment group and control group at 108 Military Central Hospital. Patients underwent dental examination, using GI index to identify gingivitis level, blood testing to evaluate anemia, decreased blood protein and albumin. Results and conclusion: 67,9% of patients was alcoholic. Cirrhotic level was the same between Child B and Child C. The treatment group had higher mean GI index than the control group, which shows statistical significance (p < 0,01). The cause of alcohol and virus had the same GI, which did not show level of significance (p > 0,05). Regarding cirrhotic stage, group Child C had higher GI than Child B (2,21 ± 0,81), the result had statistical significance (p<0,01). Severe gingivitis was related to anemia, reduced blood protein and albumin (p < 0,01).

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