Bích Ngọc Cao1,2,, Thị Minh Phương Phạm 3
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Vietnamese-Czechoslovak friendship hospital
3 National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology

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Objective: To describe clinical features of tinea corporis at National hospital of Dermatology and Venereology. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 182 patients diagnosed with tinea corporis at the National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology from July 2021 to July 2022. Results: Among the subjects, males accounted for 51,7% and females accounted for 48,4%. The mean age of patients was 35.8±17.0. The most common clinical form was the tinea imbricata (89.0%). The disease duration was mainly less than 6 months (89.0%). The most common site of tinea corporis was the lower extremities (48.4%), then the abdomen (33.0%), back (28.6%), upper limb (24.2%), chest (18.7%) and neck (11.5%). Patients mainly have from 2-5 lesions accounting for 61.0%. Most patient had total lesion area less than 5% of the skin area (88.0%). All lesions had redness (100.0%). Almost lesions were scaly (93.9%), well demarcated (92.9% and central healing was seen in 89.6% of patients. Vesicular (18.1%), pustules (12.1%) and exudate (11.0%) lesions were less common. Almost lesions were itchy (97.8%). Conclusion: Tinea corporis usually presents with typical tinea imbricata with red, scaly, well-demarcated, central healing, and pruritic lesions. The lower extremities are the most common site of injury.

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